Paper Presentations
"Advance Guards of the Health Army:" The Bureau of Nursing Service for New York City's Association for Improving the Conditions of the Poor, 1900-1940. Cindy Connolly
"A Better State of Things "Nursing Reform at a Dublin Hospital in the Late Nineteenth Century. Gerard Fealy
Risk Takers and Role Makers: First Generation Nurse Practitioners in Massachusetts. Karen Anne Wolf and Jillian Ashley Martin
From Contracts to Commissions: Men Nurses in the U.S. Navy from 1898 to 1965. Richard Westphal
Home Health versus Home Hospice: Competition, Cooperation, and Co-optation. Joy Buck,
Nursing A Lingering Illness: Oncology Nursing, 1850-1950. Brigid Lusk
Patient Pain: A Signal, Symptom, or Scientific Entity? Victoria Menzies
Joyous and Deliberate Motherhood- Birth Control Nursing in the Marie Stopes Clinics. Pauline Brand.
"We Did What We Had To Do:" Development of Emergency Nursing, 1940-1970. Sandra Annan
Invisible Work: The Work of the Nurse in the Development and Diffusion of the Swan-Ganz Cather in the Myocardial Infarction Research Unit at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 1965-1975. Kathleen Burke
Panel Session: Taking History Public: Methodologies and Issues in "Public History" and Their Application to the History of Nursing. Karen Egenes and Wendy Burgess
Caring for the "Colored Community" 1898-1940: Missions in Smoketown. Linda Holbrook Freeman and Amy Mitchell.
With Dauntless Spirit: Alaska Nursing in Dog-Team Days. Jacqueline Pflaum, Elfrida Nord, and Effie Graham
An Oral History of Japanese Nursing: The Voices of Five Senior Nurses Who Have Experienced Nursing Since the 1950s. Mayumi Kako
Latter-Day Saint Nurses At War. Patricia Rushton and Lynn Callister.
A Servant to Two Masters? Mental Health Nurse Training in England, 1919-1952. Claire Chatterton.
"Rather Cheeky-Needs a Firm Hand". Ann Brown.
The Eight-Hour Shift: The Campaign to Reduce the Working Hours of Nurses, 1930-1950. Jean Whelan
"Learn to be a Nurse in Your Spare Time:" The Illinois Nurses' Association Battle Against Correspondence Schools. Karen Egenes
Replacing "The Grim Nurses of Poverty and Sickness" With "Pediatric Nurses:" Trained Nurses at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1855-1941. Mary Walton and Cindy Connolly,
A History of the Development of Children's Hospitals in Utah. Carma Miller and Barbara Mandleco
The Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921: Prelude to the Nurse Practitioner Movement?. Deborah Sampson
By Foot, By Horse, By Crummy: Louise Van Ee, School Nurse in Bingham Cayon, 1921-1939. Kathleen Kaufman and Dianne Knorr.
Poster Presentations
Settlement Nurses in the West, 1920-1940. Peg Dan Farrar.
The Teaching of the Art of Nursing Administration in the Anna Nery's School in the Forties. Marie Cristina Sanna.
No Room For Cowards: The Nursing Workplace. Mark A. Von Stein.
The Living Legacy at Lea Hurst. Linda Holbrook Freeman and Laurie Glass