Paper Presentations
A Generation of Women on Top: A Smithee Becomes a Nurse. Joellen W. Hawkins, Boston College.
"We Must Have Nurses": Spanish Influenza in America, 1918-1919. Rhonda Keen-Payne, Texas Christian University.
The Origins and History of the First Public Health/Community Health Nurses in Louisiana, 1835-1927. Laura Hanggi-Myers, Peoples Home Health Care and Hospice, Gretna, Louisiana.
Poor, Pale, and Pretubercular: The Tuberculosis Preventorium, 1909-1935. Cynthia Connolly, Johns Hopkins University.
The Evolution of Pediatric Nursing in Mississippi During the Past Fifty Years. Kathryn Kolar, LaDonna Northington, and Robin Wilkerson, The University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Miners' Hospitals Come to the Coal Fields of West Virginia: Acute Care Nursing, 1900-1920. John C. Kirchgessner, The University of Virginia.
Eradicating the "Germ of Laziness" in Virginia's Rural Schools: Hookworm in the 1900s-1920s. Linda Hulton, The University of Virginia.
"Premature Minded": Nurses, Technology and Premature Infants, 1922-1940 Elizabeth A. Reed, The University of Pennsylvania.
The History of Child Psychiatric Nursing: 1947-1997 Elizabeth Erwin, The University of Virginia.
"Breaking Cloister": Sisters of Bon Secours, Home and Visiting Nursing, 1881-1919. Katharine C. Cook, College of Notre Dame of Maryland.
King's Daughters and Nurses: A Fruitful Partnership in Mississippi, 1894-1940 Linda E. Sabin, Northeast Louisiana University.
"Reasonable Service" in a Divided Community: The Work of Lutheran Deaconess Nurses in the Norwegian Immigrant Community of Chicago, 1891-1930. Karen J. Egenes, Loyola University Chicago.
The Quest for the Best: Infant Feeding and the Nurse. Angela S. Wilson, Christopher Newport University.
"That Was the Way It Was": The Story of Black Nurses and Midwives in Miami, 1896-1960. Christine Ardalan, Florida International University.
Passion and Persistence: A Biography of Mary Adelaide Nutting. Linda Howe Gilbert, Valley Community Hospital, Santa Maria, California.
.Shoulder to Shoulder: Nursing with the Military Down to Vicksburg. Kathleen S. Hanson, The University of Illinois at Chicago.
Military Nursing - A Case in Point: WVVII - D-Day and Beyond. Rosemary T. McCarthy, American Association for the History of Nursing.
The Path to Recognition: American Military Nursing During the Vietnam War. Kathryn M. Ganske, Shenandoah University.
Poster Presentations
Career and Birthing Practices of Mississippi Granny Midwives. Rene M. Reeb, The University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Caring for Community: The First School Health Nurses, 1900-1920. Lynne M. Hektor Dunphy and Basil Wilson, Florida Atlantic University.
Celebrating Public Health Nursing: Caring for Mississippi's Communities with Courage and Compassion, 1920-1993. Edna M. Roberts and Margaret Morton, Mississippi Department of Health.
Higher Ground: Disaster Nursing in the 1927 Mississippi Flood,. Jane Tallant and Jeanette Waits, The University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Ruth Riley, RN, Arkansas Nurse Leader, 1912-1959. Linda O'Dell, Southern Arkansas University, and Ann L. Garrigues, Northwest Arkansas Community College.
Time Marches On: A Historical Look at Nursing Education in Mississippi. Carol Buckels, Kathy Ginn, Kathy Pappenfort, and Deborah Welch, The University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Trained Nursing Reflected in Lay Magazines, 1880-1928. Brigid Lusk, Northern Illinois University.